Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Protecting Your Reputation Online

By Jared Alexander

What's This New Reputation Online Repair?

If you've started a business that relies on its online presence, which let's face it should be almost every business these days, you know how useful the Internet can be in putting you in front of countless eyes. You might have also unfortunately discovered how easy it can be for someone to put something negative about you or your business in front of those same eyes. Now suddenly it feels as if the entire world has turned against you. You've been vilified, and it may seem like there's nothing you can do.

This situation is only a problem as long as someone's there to see it. And while it seems unfair that any stray insult can have such terrible effects, it's not irreversible. In the last few years, reputation repair services have arisen to help people regain control of their online image by making the bad stuff go away.

Reputation Online or Offline, What's the Difference?

It's all about where people's eyes land. If they don't see the bad stuff, it's as good as forgotten. That's the thinking behind these services -- simply move the bad stuff out of the search traffic. They can move the sites with negative content down five or ten pages or more, which moves it out of any kind of search neighborhood anyone would ever want to visit.

And in place of the bad stuff is content that reflects better on your business. In short time, you've got yourself a new lease on online life with a new reputation. You can get back to business, dealing with people and building an impression with them that you have control over. As it should be.

Reputation Online Equates to Marketing as Well

This may all sound a little scary if you've just launched a business. But this kind of service can benefit you too, regardless of whether you've got negative content to deal with. Maybe your problem is you have no content at all; you're sitting down the rankings. This kind of service can raise you up like a star, up to the top of the searches, where you better be ready for some traffic.

There are plenty of rules to this whole Internet thing, that's for sure. But nothing hard and fast, aside from this: It's pretty clear that your online image, whether as a person or as a business owner, is something you need to have control over at all times. Because if you turn your electric back for even a second (which is a lifetime in Internet terms), somebody will come along and try and control it for you.

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